I mentioned in a past post, that people see social media as an alternative to traditional media. Then and now I have to contradict this point. Social media is not that developed now in order to compete with broadcast, let’s say, on the other hand print starts suffering from the recession and it disappears, it becomes thinner or it starts to have only paid content. The solution would be to combine the two channels, find the perfect equilibrium for your objectives.
On the other hand, it is very interesting to see that at European level, communication professionals see as being the two most important media categories to help reach their goals: print (38%) and broadcast (24%).
Pitching stories, on the other hand, has become more difficult. We have to change the approach – maybe in format closer to the social media approach. Social media is also important when we prepare an interview: search on google about the topic and find out what possible background the journalist has on the specific subject. The journalists definitely used google for its research.
Print, broadcast, social media, viral…you have to decide for the channels that best reaches the target and achieves the objectives.
I’ve Moved — Here is the new address
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